
We are proudly part of the Northland community and we are committed to being a good neighbour and to supporting our local region.

Marsden Point is not just home to our site, but it is home to most of our people as well, and we are committed to being a good neighbour, and to supporting our region.  

We are committed to being a fair and caring employer, a responsible corporate citizen and neighbour. We work with our local Iwi, provide a voice for Northland on national issues, support local environmental and education projects and contribute to the local economy.

We use our Facebook page to communicate with our local community when needed and provide regular updates through local news and community briefings. 

Northland Refinery Transition Working Group (NRTWG)

In 2020, the Northland Refinery Working Group (NRWG) was established to assist with assessing and mitigating the impact of changes in refinery operations on refinery workers and the regional economy.   The scope of works is varied and includes identifying opportunities around regional and national redeployment, training, regional economic development and repurposing opportunities.  The group is made up of local community leaders, Government agencies, iwi, and worker representation, and we are proud to play our part as a founding member of the group.